April 19, 2018 | Other Activities
On April 19, 2018, BPS of North Labuhanbatu District Organized Socialization and Coordination of Disaggregation Formulation of Gross Fixed Capital Formation Matrix (PMTB) 2018. The objectives of this PMTB socialization are:
1. To realize the availability of PMTB data that has been disaggregated based on institutions (government, private, and state-owned)
2. To realize the availability of PMTB data based on industry consisting of 17 business fields
3. Sources of data in Stock Capital Creation
4. As an ingredient in the preparation of development plans such as policies in increasing investment, such as: calculate future investment needs.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara Jl. Lintas Sumatera
Kelurahan Gunting Saga
Kualuh Selatan [21457] Labuhanbatu Utara
Telp/Fax (0624) 693269
Mailbox : bps1223@bps.go.id